﹒✩★✩ ﹒ARTIST SATEMENT ﹒✩★✩ ﹒

With my artist statement i want to show other artist that you dont need expensive art supplies or an expensive background. Altough this year ive used what school has provided, ive never been abled to use things of quality. I would paint with nail polish, i still only use mechanical dollar store pencils. I never took art classes, i learned everything throughout experiences, watching youtube and being logic and realistic to myself. I tend to only do realism when working traditionally. As a student whos never had the best of supplies, i try to make the most of them as ive had to experience with lower costing supplies.Taking inspiration from my own experiences, i create elaborate works with bold yet life like images, turning school projects into art works im proud of.

﹒✩★✩ ﹒ABOUT ME ﹒✩★✩ ﹒

m an art student who actually doesn’t like art as much as others, i much prefer music and fashion design. Regardless ive always loved making art when i was a kid. Growing up we didnt have much, and even still i don’t own any supplies. Because of that i really only do digital, but here im showcasing my art ive done this school year.


﹒✩★✩ ﹒ART PROCESS ﹒✩★✩ ﹒

﹒✩★✩ ﹒FINNISHED ART ﹒✩★✩ ﹒

﹒✩★✩ ﹒MY ACHEIVEMENTS ﹒✩★✩ ﹒

Went to State for Texas Vase 2023VASE 2023 Regional medal1st place in Cinco de mayo GP art contest 20183rd place in Cinco de mayo GP art contest 2017Art Work Represented at Vetenerian school2nd place in a Career Contest in 2018